Friday 5 August 2011

My Twilight Profile :)

Okay , my previous post is about me being " new " here right ? Pfft , lame . HEE , Kidding ! Heyheyhey , what in the world am I doing now ! I'm suppose to be talking about MY TWILIGHT PROFILE ! Grr..

Okayh , start it with a new paragraph ;D Okay , in Twilight , my favourite character is BELLA SWAN . If you ask me which team I am , I AM ON TEAM EDWARD ! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN BRO ! xD My favourite line in Twilight is " So the lion fell in love with the lamb " :) In Twilight New Moon , I love the line " Will you marry me ? " AWWH, Edward is such a sweet thang right ? I KNOW ! Haha , Okay , for Twilight Eclipse , I love the line " Isabella Swan , I promise to love you forever - ever single day of forever .. Will you marry me ? " AWWWWW ! He's so sweeeeeeet , for a hot guy ;D Breaking Dawn belum lagu cause belum keluar ! It arrives in Malaysia's cinema in 18th November ! I'm tellin' you , I'm gonna be the first person to buy the ticket ! Cause my loyalty to TWILIGHT ! Woohoo ! Okaaay , that's is it I think ... If you have anything to ask about my interests in Twilight OR to ask me ABOUT TWILIGHT then just comment on this post , I'LL SURELY ANSWER ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS . Know why ? Cause I'm expert in Twilight ^^

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